
November 27, 2010Comments are closed.

Laura J. Lederer. 2010. Addressing Demand: Why And How Policymakers Should Utilize Law And Law Enforcement To Target Customers Of Commercial Sexual Exploitation. Regent UL Rev. 23: 297447 URL:

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March 30, 2010Comments are closed.

Sun journalist honoured By JENNY YUEN, Toronto Sun Last Updated: March 28, 2010 1:09pm A Toronto Sun crime reporter is being honoured for her work on exposing Torontos human trafficking industry. Tamara Cherry, who has been covering the beat since January 2008, has won an award in the first annual Glendene and Jesse Awards Ceremony […]

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March 30, 2010Comments are closed.

Sexual violence in Haitian camps of the displaced, beyond the numbers By Chiara Liguori Caribbean researcher for Amnesty International Since the first days of the earthquake, many humanitarian and human rights organizations, including Amnesty International, have issued warnings about the increased risk of gender based and sexual violence. The risks are well founded. Thousands of […]

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February 12, 2010Comments are closed.

Our work with the Salvation Army, and others, in Combatting the Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) in Haiti is well underway. In our efforts to raise the awareness of the Haitian people on the perils of human trafficking and their rights, messaging campaigns (both Creole & English), such as the following food label project, are being […]

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February 4, 2010Comments are closed.

Global Centurion is partnering with The Salvation Army, Olive Branch International, Doctors at War on Trafficking, The Home Foundation, World Hope International, Beyond Borders, Restavek Foundation, Fondation la Limye Lavi, and Call + Response as well as other relief groups to develop and distribute simple, clear information campaigns designed to prevent human trafficking in the […]

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